49°28´ - 26°07´  - 6.4 miles / 10.3 km ENE of Skalat
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1.  Moses Hersch Pikholz and Frymcie Gruberg (KACZANOWKA family) lived in Kaczanowka and had Leibusch (1877),  Joseph (1877), Leon, Chana Jente (1880) and Taube (1886).  Leon had a son Zygmunt who died in Teheran while serving with General Anders' army.  Joseph had sons Chaim-Mendel (1902) and Irwin (who lived in NY and had no children) and Abraham who died as a baby (1901).  Chaim-Mendel married Sarah Klinger and they had three children, Freda, Yosef and Avigdor - all were killed in the Shoah.  This may be part of LAOR family. 
2.  Gedalie Pikholz is listed in the Hamburg database in 1907.  It gives his age as 1884/5.  The fact that he came from Kaczanowka, leads me to believe that he is a son of Moses Hersch and Frymcie.
3.  Moses Leib Frankel (son of Samuel Frankel and Rechil Pikholz of the ELIEZER family) was born in Skalat in 1894.  He married Fradel and they lived in Kacanowka with (at least) two sons, Samuel (b. 1923) and Yitzhak (b. 1933).  This is based on Pages of Testimony from two sources.